Sex Positions That Will Intensively Make Her Cum

Make Her Cum

Women adore the porn star move of changing positions during sex since it gives your sex positions diversity and fresh feelings. Switching positions has entirely different implications for guys who prematurely ejaculate and provides the chance for a breather if you sense the big finale is coming. Women appreciate diversity but also like the opportunity to settle into a position and experience the pleasures it has in store for them. She can feel like a prop in your secret sexual decathlon if you exchange places too often. Change things up, sure, but keep it under control. In a sexual encounter, four or five positions are sufficient.


Lying Doggy Style Sex Position

Since doggy style is so satisfying, many males save it until the conclusion of sex. This version keeps the elements of the move that you enjoy while assisting you in maintaining control. Start in typical dog fashion. Reduce your height till your stomach is pressed on the top of her back as she lies flat on her tummy. Similar to being a missionary, but with her on her back. Try rubbing up against her or slow, thrusting motions in and out. She should elevate her butt and slightly arch her back if you feel herself slipping out. You can similarly satisfy your horny self with the best in-town Miami Escorts.


Missionary Grind Style Sex Position

Usually, men don’t stay in the missionary role for long since they tend to come and go quickly so that you can practice the best and safe sex with Escort Classifieds. Instead, attempt to wrestle with her. It could assist if you get a little bit closer to her head than usual with your body and ask her to extend her legs wider. The additional benefit of this position is that it stimulates her clitoral area heavily, increasing the likelihood that you will come at the exact moment.


In Parallel Style Sex Position

One of the most incredible sex positions for shallow penetration with minimal thrusting is this one. Additionally, it’s pretty near and private. He ought to have a lower pelvis than you do. Wrap your upper leg over his waist by lifting it. You might need to elevate your leg or slightly incline your body away from his. Once he’s inside, securely encircle him with your leg. He may move by gently pulling out and pressing closer or by being squeezed closer and then released. Learning how to grind against one another is half the pleasure.


Sex Positions To Make Her Cum

Sitting In A Chair Style Sex Position

Another posture that might be a viable substitute for doggy style is this one. You still get the rear entrance, but he can stay focused because you control the pace and depth. Enjoy experimenting with all of these positions, and congrats on finding an attentive and eager man to help you with this. Fast orgasming may be humiliating. Therefore some men get defensive or deny that anything is happening.



As Deep thrusting may push the majority of guys over the brink. Additionally, you want sex positions that promote leisurely intercourse rather than hammering or quick sex. Physically demanding or complex functions can also help him stay longer since he will have to focus some of his concentration on balance. You may also experiment with switching sex positions a few times to allow him to take a little break and slow down. These were the most enjoyable sex positions for you both.