On Stripcamfun as well as Chaturbate you have pornstars, amateurs and up and coming models that decorate the front page of our live sex cams we think Gabbie Carter would be right at the top of the page if she would do live sex cams. Gabbie is a curvy but fit 20 something year old that has won the heart and the boners of millions of dudes worldwide. She is an Instagram influencer and Pornhub Superstar and she gets over 200,000 searches a month on Google. Guys would give their right nut to get to chat and have cam2cam with Miss Carter and we think she would be an awesome addition to Stripcamfun.
As you can tell from the pic above she could compete for looks and sex from any other cam model on Chaturbate or Strip Cam Fun. Her tits are a nice 33c and her measurements are 34-27-40 so she is basically what we would call today’s perfect built woman.
Not only is Gabby built like a brick shithouse she has an appetite for sex like a nymphomaniac. If you don’t believe me check out this porn video of her below.
So if you are thinking she is hot but maybe she couldn’t keep up with the demand you are dead wrong. She could have live sex with someone then move on to make live porn while everyone else watches. This girl just has “it”.
Now due to her schedule I’ll be honest I don’t see Miss Carter joining us anytime soon but if she did guys would be lined up at the door to chat and cam with her.
She is an amazing Instagram Influencer, Porn Star, and just fucking hot to look at naked. If you read this Miss Carter I would say you would make a shit ton of money and would make all your fans proud if you would join us on webcams.